Support Our Church

Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of the First Congregational Church of Bay Shore. On this page you may directly contribute to our ongoing ministry, pay your annual pledge, or buy tickets for upcoming events. If you prefer to contribute or pay by another method, please contact Sandy Green, Church Administrator, at 631-665-0091.


What will your financial support of the First Congregational Church of Bay Shore enable?

  • Inspirational worship services on Sundays and other days throughout the year

  • A dynamic, growing ministry to children and families

  • Spiritual growth opportunities

  • Bible studies and classes on the Christian life, spirituality, and interfaith concerns taught by our clergy and other leading thinkers and teachers

  • Service programming and projects that reach beyond the local community

  • Active and diverse community building endeavors with programming for all age levels, affinity groups and interests

  • Maintenance of the beauty and architectural significance of our historic space so that it can continue to be a sanctuary of peace and house of prayer for all

Thank you for your support!